Creativity Counts!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Innovation Tools

Innovation Tools: "'While innovation is an interesting topic of conversation in the board room, in reality few firms are walking the innovation talk. There's a distinction to be made between the management discussion about the importance of innovation and the actual innovation work being done within the company. Many Fortune 500 firms are just beginning to organize their innovation efforts, so it's important to distinguish action from organization. Many firms are talking about innovation and taking some disjointed actions, but few are truly organized to innovate.'

- Jeffrey Phillips, What's Happening in Innovation 2007 "

If you are one of those firms who is getting serious about acting on creating a culture of creativity and innovation call Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey at (780) 736-0009 to explore how he can be a creative catalyst with your team. Bob will help you equip and motivate your team to grow and succeed. Bob works with leading edge individuals and teams to create action plans which move them into the winner's zone. He is the author of 10 business, career, and leadership books including two on creativity and innovation.


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