Welcome to Creativity Counts! - our new creativity Blog...
This will be a conversational place for the creative thoughts and musings of
Creative Catalyst and
Idea Farmer,
Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey.
In business as in life, we either create or we consume.
I believe that the act of creation has a higher standard and value than simply consuming.
We create businessess that serve our communities and clients; that serve the needs of those we employ and serve as venues for suppliers and creative services across the planet.
We create meaningful dialogue and discussion as creative leaders who take responsibility for our own actions.
We create memories with those we interact with and love.
We create legacies that outlast us. We can choose to create positive, helpful loving legacies, but we create them just the same.
I invite you to visit one or more of our creative websites.
Over the years I've enjoyed the privilege of creatively speaking, coaching and writing to share my
Ideas At Work! around the world.
Creativity Counts!
Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey